
Hi there! I am Levi van Boxtel.

About Me

About the studio

Hi I am Levi van Boxtel. I’m from The Netherlands, and I’m 20 years old.

I’ve been developing games for about 4 years now, mainly in Unity with C#. But I’ve also briefly worked in Unreal Engine with C++ and Blueprints. I also use UE for small virtual cinematography.

I’ve also been doing Video Editing for around 7 years. I started using Sony Vegas, which I used for 6 years and still use for simple cut-ups and Sound editing. But now I mainly work in Adobe After Effects, and have been doing so for about 3 years now.

I’ve also started my own company called Vexel Studios. Which I’ve been working on for 3 years. I’ve had over 75 clients, and I’ve learned much about Company Management, Customer contact and communications, Marketing, and Social Media Management.



Using for 4 years.

Unreal Engine

Using for 0.5 years.


Using for 3 years.

Sony Vegas

Using for 6 years.

After Effects

Using for 3 years.


Using for 3 years.