
Evil alien beings are attempting to reach our planet. After our enemies have searched for a lengthy period, they have now discovered our planet and are attempting to conquer it! Hurry, seize your spacecraft and eradicate all the waves of enemies. Good luck, soldier!

How to Play, Controls and Objective:
To play this game, use AD for movement, use SPACE to eliminate the enemies. Your objective is to reach the end of the level by shooting all the enemy ships. When they have all been killed, you have completed the level. There are 3 levels in total with increasing difficulty.

This game was developed by myself for a personal project. My goal was to create a 2D game with shooting mechanics, and to have an enemy that worked independently, capable of moving and shooting back at certain intervals.

What I’ve Learned:
I learned a great deal about the shooting mechanic and having enemies move and shoot autonomously. I learned a lot from checking collisions and instantiating prefabs as bullets, and handling all the logic from that.

One of the primary challenges I faced while developing SpaceShooter was the shooting itself and trying to handle the logic of the enemies.

Levi van Boxtel
Vexel Studios
Release Date
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