
Evil humans on Segways, garbed in hazardous material suits, are attacking the magical forest and its magical tree, Yggdrasil, seeking to exploit its power and plunder the forest’s resources. As the fox, it is your responsibility to defend the forest from these malevolent humans. Place totems to defend the forest. You can utilize shrines to rapidly teleport to different parts of the map. So raise those totems and let them defend the forest!

How to Play, Controls and Objective:
To play this game, use WASD for movement, SPACE to jump, your MOUSE to look around, E when in range of shrines to access the teleportation menu, TAB to open the totem menu, and ESCAPE to pause. You can identify a suitable location for a totem by the empty spots on the ground and on the teleportation map, represented by a rainbow claw. The humans on their Segways will follow a predetermined path. Make sure to keep your tree alive by placing as many totems as possible! If the tree dies, the game is over.

This game was developed by Julian Snelders and myself for a school project. Our goal was to create a 3D tower defense game with support for a Xbox controller, allowing players to place towers in 3D space within range of a placement spot. We collaborated with 2D and 3D artists from school to create the assets featured in the game, and we ensured everything was functional. We had approximately six weeks to plan, conceptualize, and complete the project.

What I’ve Learned:
This was my first time working on a 3D project, and I learned a great deal about navigating 3D space, using 3D input for PC and a Xbox controller, and using the Unity NavMesh system. I also had the opportunity to employ RayCasting to allow the towers to attack their targets and create a waypoint system for AI navigation. This was also my first time using GitHub, and we encountered numerous merge conflicts while attempting to synchronize our files for the first time.

One of the primary challenges I faced while developing Yggdrasil was working in 3D space and getting the RayCasting to function properly, as well as collaborating with another developer through GitHub.

Levi van Boxtel Julian Snelders
Vexel Studios Kelpie Studios
Release Date
Software Used
GitHub Unity

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